Dr. Cora van Leeuwen
Cora van Leeuwen holds a Master of Arts in English Language and Culture from VU Amsterdam, where her thesis explored the intricate connections between feminism, racism and post-colonialism. Additionally, she obtained a Master of Science in Communication Studies from VUB, focusing her research on ageism in videos targeting fall prevention in Flemish and Dutch media. After working in various industries Cora started working for SMIT in 2018 as a researcher for the H2020 project ProACT. In 2020 she commenced her PhD research within the SBO project Digital Ageing.
Cora's research focuses on the interaction between ageing, ageism and digital technology. Especially the way in which these three mutually shape society's understanding of what it means to grow old. Digital inclusion and the way in which this is influenced and influences social inclusion is another area of interest.
Cora's PhD research is part of a larger project, Digital Ageing. This project examines the various ways in which digital technology influences the ageing experience of older adults in Flanders. As Youth Representative of the Temporary Working Group on Ageing and Communication Studies Cora organises various activities for younger researchers.
Pleinlaan 9
1050 Brussel