Call for Papers for ECREA “Communication Law and Policy” Conference at VUB Brussels on 18-19 September 2025
Media Freedom and Pluralism in the Age of AI and Platforms: A New Era for Media Policy/Regulation?Policy Brief #81 The expansion of the digital inclusion policy domain in Belgium
This policy brief offers a summary of the main findings of research on the digital inclusion policy domain in Belgium, along with concrete recommendations for policymakers.Roundtable on evidence-based policymaking for small film industries (Zagreb Film Festival)
Ivana Kostovska from imec-SMIT,VUB participated in a roundtable discussion titled Evidence-based Policy-making for Small Film Industries, organised as part of the 15th International Small Cinemas Conference held in Zagreb.Policy Brief #80 Internationale versus lokale VoD-diensten: de voorkeuren en motivaties van kijkers in Vlaanderen in kaart gebracht
Deze policy brief presenteert resultaten van ‘Streaming Affordances voor kleine mediamarkten', een Proeftuin-onderzoeksproject gesteund door VLAIO en de Vlaamse Minister van Media.Policy Brief #79 Wetenschapscommunicatie en AI in Vlaanderen
In deze policy brief van Hanne Vandenbroucke, Annelien Smets en Jeroen Peeters worden op basis van een onderzoek bij 130 AI-wetenschappers in Vlaanderen enkele inzichten gedeeld over de kansen en uitdagingen van wetenschapscommunicatie rond AI.PhD Defences September
Congratulations to Cora van Leeuwen and Ine van Zeeland for successfully completing their PhD journey at SMIT. On the 6th of September Cora van Leeuwen succesfully defended her thesis titled: ''Digital Ageing: How ageism and technology influence the ageing experience of older adults''. &
- Practical info-
ECREA “Communication Law and Policy” Conference at VUB Brussels on 18-19 September 2025
Media Freedom and Pluralism in the Age of AI and Platforms: A New Era for Media Policy/Regulation?
The “Communication Law and Policy” Section of the European Communications Research and Education Association (ECREA) invites abstracts for theoretical and empirical papers on the topic Media
Discover the events of our outreach programmes Mediawijs, Mediapunt and the Knowledge Centre Data & Society on their website.