Dr. Mehdi Montakhabi
Having ways to predict the future and, further, making the future buildable, is an appealing endeavor, especially in the business world. In the vague business science, this becomes possible through disciplined, organized, and professional scientific research. By gathering professional researchers, providing specialized managerial support, high-quality instruments, and offering expert supervision, SMIT is an amazing place for any researcher. Mehdi's engineering mindset, business knowledge, entrepreneurial and market experience, as well as his desire to learn, align well with SMIT’s mission and goals. Having the privilege of working with a professional research team and experiencing the synergistic outcomes of transferring ideas with bright minds in SMIT provides a unique environment for researchers to grow.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, a Master’s in Entrepreneurship, and another Master’s in International Business. His MBA and DBA were in marketing. He worked for several years in high-tech industrial firms’ marketing, followed by an entrepreneurial venture in the retail sector, running a chain of restaurants. He continued his career as the executive manager of a consultancy firm in shopping center management. He was honored to be the deputy secretary of the Council of Shopping Centers in Iran while directing an educational and analytical monthly magazine in the retail sector. He has translated two books into Persian (Farsi): “Successful Marketing Strategies for High-tech Firms” and “The Complete Guide to Shopping Center Management.” He was also involved in a two-year-long case study in the retail sector, which was published as a book: “An Entrepreneurial Overview of the Fast Food Industry.” Last but not least, he has hands-on experience with quantitative research, a skill he utilized while preparing his recent thesis.
Pleinlaan 9
1050 Brussels