Prof. Dr. Leo Van Audenhove
Leo Van Audenhove is a full professor at the Department of Communication Studies of Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is a senior researcher at imec-SMIT – Studies on Media, Innovation and Technology at the same university. He is an extraordinary professor at the University of the Western Cape. In 2013, he was instrumental in setting up the Knowledge Centre for Digital and Media Literacy in Flanders, of which he subsequently became the academic director. The centre was established by government as an independent centre to promote digital and media literacy in Flanders.
Professor Van Audenhove's research focusses on data and media literacy, digital inclusion and ICT4D. He is currently involved in multiple projects on digital inclusion in Flanders and Belgium. He is co-editing a book on media literacy research in Flanders. He is working with researchers from UGent and University of the Western Cape to develop a measurement instrument on digital inclusion and wellbeing for South Africa. He is involved in media literacy research in Flanders.
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1050 Brussels