Dr. Ana Pop Stefanija
Ana Pop Stefanija holds an MA in Communication Sciences from the Sts. Cyril and Methodius University and an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Digital Communication Leadership (track Digital Communication, Policy and Innovation in Europe) from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and University of Salzburg.
Ana's main focus is on researching data and algorithmic systems, particularly in relation to achieving meaningful human agency. She likes to experiment with innovative methods for both algorithmic and participatory research, such as using legal tools (like the GDPR) or unusual objects (like Repair manuals) as data collection tools that enable participants' reflexivity and empowerment.
Ana is doing her PhD through the FWO funded DELICIOS project (An integrated approach to study the delegation of conflict- of-interest decisions to autonomous agents), while also working on the EU funded PEER project (The Hyper Expert Collaborative AI Expert) and the COOMEP project (Coordination mechanisms for the sharing of energy through proxies).
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1050 Brussels