2024 Policy Brief #73 - 10 trends in de internationale streamingmarkt en hun impact op Vlaanderen - download (332.42 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #72 - Towards a future-proof public service media - download.pdf (414.86 KB) "pdf" 2023 Policy Brief #71 - Communicating for change - Citizens’ perceptions of the Flemish government’s social media communication on energy conservation - download.pdf (376.96 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #70 - Digitally inclusive youth work - a blueprint - download.pdf (337.59 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #69 - News avoidance stagnates at high peak as consumption and interest wanes - download.pdf (483.74 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #68 - Digital health data management of the future - (re-)claiming agency over our digital health data - download.pdf (227.02 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #67 - Nieuwe SMIT-proeftuin gaat streaminggedrag bij Vlaamse mediagebruikers onderzoeken - download.pdf (332.04 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #66 - Industry 40 technologies - benefits, adoption and acceptance of employees - download.pdf (619.33 KB) "pdf" 2022 Policy Brief #65 - The Databuzz - Data literacy education for the metropolitan context - download.pdf (397.63 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #64 - Media pluralism in the EU - A prospective look at the European Media Freedom Act - download.pdf (202.04 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #63 - Wat kunnen online fan platformen betekenen voor de Europese uitgeversector - download.pdf (326.88 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #62 - Collaborative knowledge exchange - a new paradigm for media innovation - download.pdf (303.75 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #61 - Investment obligations for VOD providers - A fresh look on the regulatory approaches in Europe - download.pdf (223.42 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #60 - Kunnen exoskeletons ons helpen met zwaar werk - download.pdf (427.72 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #59 - Trust in news remains high but flickers of polarization show cracks in news landscape - download.pdf (460.23 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #58 - Arthouses en multiplexen - een uiteenlopende bioscoopbeleving - Een verkennend onderzoek - download.pdf (263.48 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #57 - Walkshops - Innovative methodology for citizen involvement in Smart Cities - download.pdf (229.52 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #56 - Vijf beleidsaanbevelingen voor Vlaams jeugdwerk in een gedigitaliseerde maatschappij - download.pdf (713.36 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #55 - How can blockchain impact public values - A playing-field-analysis - download.pdf (690.4 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #54 - Leidt mediaconcentratie tot verschraling van het nieuwsaanbod- Een kwantitatieve studie bij de Vlaamse DPG Media-kranten - download.pdf (330.77 KB) "pdf" 2021 Policy Brief #53 - Does our news use predict our views on society - download.pdf (330.69 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #52 - Clarifying transparency in innovation projects - download.pdf (417.23 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #51 - Duurzame nieuwsmedia in Vlaanderen - een aantal lessons learned - download.pdf (436.08 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #50 - eHealth after the corona pandemic - is Belgium ready for the paradigm shift - download.pdf (534.48 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #49 - 9 major ways in which the pandemic has marked Flemish news consumption - download.pdf (516.95 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #48 - Investment obligations for on-demand players in Europe - an update of current AVMSd transpositions - download.pdf (240.7 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #47 - No Time To Die - in de bioscoop of thuis via een streamingdienst - Bioscoopmotivaties en streaming-gedrag van de jonge Vlaming in tijden van COVID-19 - download.pdf (324.75 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #46 - Autonomous vehicles in urban settings - Recommendations to encourage testing and societally beneficial deployment - download.pdf (608.87 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #45 - Where are the Missing Data Subjects - Data Protection Control and Public Participation - download.pdf (247.51 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #44 - The Concept of Open Banking - From a Remedy to an Ecosystem - download.pdf (2.27 MB) "pdf" Policy Brief #43 - Transposing the Audiovisual Media Services directive - Where to go - download.pdf (2.3 MB) "pdf" 2020 Policy Brief #42 - Fighting the media crisis through innovation exchanges - lessons from the Stars4Media Pilot Project - download.pdf (1.11 MB) "pdf" Policy Brief #41 - Wat is de waarde van persoonsdata delen met mediaorganisaties in Vlaanderen - download.pdf (823.85 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #40 - Responsible innovation - the benefits of participatory research design in digital health technology - download.pdf (383.27 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #39 - Nieuwsdiversiteit in Mediahuiskranten flink afgenomen tussen 2013 en 2018 - download.pdf (259.39 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #38 - Nieuws uit Eigen Huis - Een analyse van zelfpromotie in journalistiek aanbod in Vlaanderen - download.pdf (341.29 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #37 - Declining trust concerns over misinformation & low willingness-to-pay - News media in troubled waters in Flanders and Wallonia - download.pdf (691.71 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #36 - COVID-19 information on Social Media in Europe - A threat or a blessing - download.pdf (584.33 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #35 - Finally beyond the status quo - An analysis of steps taken to improve gender equality in the European audiovisual sector - download.pdf (320 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #34 - Vlaams middenveld en mediasector voor een sterke en slagvaardige VRT maar wel één die zich op alle vlakken onderscheidt - download.pdf (272.51 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #33 - Three main regulatory challenges for 5G roll-out in Belgium - download.pdf (350.54 KB) "pdf" 2019 Policy Brief #32 - Does it hurt - The sensitivity of health data - download.pdf (338.94 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #31 - Vrouwen in de Vlaamse filmsector - gezocht en gevonden - download.pdf (961.46 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #30 - State broadcasting in Poland - Urgent need for European action - download.pdf (295.52 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #29 - PSD2 and other challenges to the protection of personal data in the financial sector - download.pdf (289.1 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #28 - The Databuzz - Data Literacy for the Data Society - download.pdf (3.04 MB) "pdf" Policy Brief #27 - In news we trust - High trust in news hides regional educational and age-related differences - download.pdf (581.26 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #26 - News personalisation - Problem or solution - download.pdf (621.39 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #25 - Connecting the dots – smarter cities work together - download.pdf (409.83 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #24 - Tastemakers - how media diets shape the cultural participation of users in Flanders - download.pdf (634.15 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #23 - Salvaging European media diversity while protecting personal data - download.pdf (288.3 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #22 - The future of mediapark brussels - a chance to boost the local media industry - download.pdf (1.66 MB) "pdf" 2018 Policy Brief #21 - The state of play of ‘Netflix taxes’ in European Member States - download.pdf (301.88 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #20 - Is VRT supporting economic growth - download.pdf (1.02 MB) "pdf" Policy Brief #19 - The current state of documentary in Europe - download.pdf (4.01 MB) "pdf" Policy Brief #18 - The European Commission and fake news - Lots of talk little walk - download.pdf (457.42 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #17 - The MediaHub Brussels has officially launched - Get involved and benefit from the new initiative - download.pdf (2.24 MB) "pdf" Policy Brief #16 - Ook Vlaming maakt zich zorgen over fake news - Over evoluties in nieuwsgebruik de toename van disinformatie en een blijvend vertrouwen in journalistiek van eigen bodem - download.pdf (1.08 MB) "pdf" Policy Brief #15 - De GDPR - en wat dit voor Vlaanderen betekent - download.pdf (778.39 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #14 - Audiovisuele productie - een verhaal van rechten en plichten - download.pdf (476.38 KB) "pdf" 2017 Policy Brief #13 - Naar een duurzaam beleid voor de Vlaamse documentairesector - download.pdf (234.16 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #12 - Overheidscommunicatie in Vlaanderen - Hoe communicatie verbeteren met de burger - download.pdf (304.47 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #11 - The Brexit the media industry and Belgium - Time is running out for policy action - download.pdf (356.17 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #10 - De vorming van een Mediacluster in Brussel - Welke rol kan en moet beleid spelen - download.pdf (359.2 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #9 - Targeted advertising op uw tv - Veel verwachtingen evenveel vragen - download.pdf (272.43 KB) "pdf" 2016 Policy Brief #8 - De nieuwe publieke omroep - Zitten Vlaamse jongeren te wachten op interactie met Studio Brussel en MNM - download.pdf (283.18 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #7 - Waarom de Brusselse overheid moet investeren in digitale inclusie van kwetsbare jongeren - download.pdf (834.93 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #6 - Hoe mediawijs is de Vlaming over mediabeleid - Wat weten mediagebruikers over reclameregels, de publieke omroep en privacy en wat willen ze weten - download.pdf (232 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #5 - De nieuwe beheersovereenkomst van de VRT - Bouwstenen voor een sterke publieke omroep of meer doen met minder geld - download.pdf (444.33 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #4 -The ‘Digital Single Market - Waar leidt de Europese Commissie ons naartoe en willen we dat wel - download.pdf (317.15 KB) "pdf" Policy Brief #3 - Radicaal Digitaal in Vlaanderen - Naar een e-inclusieve toekomst voor alle burgers - download.pdf (1.82 MB) "pdf" 2015 Policy Brief #2 - State-of-the-Art(s) - Gebruik van digitale communicatie- en promotiekanalen door de cultureel-creatieve sector - download (828.63 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #73 - 10 trends in de internationale streamingmarkt en hun impact op Vlaanderen - download (332.42 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #71 - Communicating for change - Citizens’ perceptions of the Flemish government’s social media communication on energy conservation - download.pdf (376.96 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #69 - News avoidance stagnates at high peak as consumption and interest wanes - download.pdf (483.74 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #68 - Digital health data management of the future - (re-)claiming agency over our digital health data - download.pdf (227.02 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #67 - Nieuwe SMIT-proeftuin gaat streaminggedrag bij Vlaamse mediagebruikers onderzoeken - download.pdf (332.04 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #66 - Industry 40 technologies - benefits, adoption and acceptance of employees - download.pdf (619.33 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #65 - The Databuzz - Data literacy education for the metropolitan context - download.pdf (397.63 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #64 - Media pluralism in the EU - A prospective look at the European Media Freedom Act - download.pdf (202.04 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #63 - Wat kunnen online fan platformen betekenen voor de Europese uitgeversector - download.pdf (326.88 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #62 - Collaborative knowledge exchange - a new paradigm for media innovation - download.pdf (303.75 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #61 - Investment obligations for VOD providers - A fresh look on the regulatory approaches in Europe - download.pdf (223.42 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #59 - Trust in news remains high but flickers of polarization show cracks in news landscape - download.pdf (460.23 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #58 - Arthouses en multiplexen - een uiteenlopende bioscoopbeleving - Een verkennend onderzoek - download.pdf (263.48 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #57 - Walkshops - Innovative methodology for citizen involvement in Smart Cities - download.pdf (229.52 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #56 - Vijf beleidsaanbevelingen voor Vlaams jeugdwerk in een gedigitaliseerde maatschappij - download.pdf (713.36 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #55 - How can blockchain impact public values - A playing-field-analysis - download.pdf (690.4 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #54 - Leidt mediaconcentratie tot verschraling van het nieuwsaanbod- Een kwantitatieve studie bij de Vlaamse DPG Media-kranten - download.pdf (330.77 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #51 - Duurzame nieuwsmedia in Vlaanderen - een aantal lessons learned - download.pdf (436.08 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #50 - eHealth after the corona pandemic - is Belgium ready for the paradigm shift - download.pdf (534.48 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #49 - 9 major ways in which the pandemic has marked Flemish news consumption - download.pdf (516.95 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #48 - Investment obligations for on-demand players in Europe - an update of current AVMSd transpositions - download.pdf (240.7 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #47 - No Time To Die - in de bioscoop of thuis via een streamingdienst - Bioscoopmotivaties en streaming-gedrag van de jonge Vlaming in tijden van COVID-19 - download.pdf (324.75 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #46 - Autonomous vehicles in urban settings - Recommendations to encourage testing and societally beneficial deployment - download.pdf (608.87 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #45 - Where are the Missing Data Subjects - Data Protection Control and Public Participation - download.pdf (247.51 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #44 - The Concept of Open Banking - From a Remedy to an Ecosystem - download.pdf (2.27 MB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #43 - Transposing the Audiovisual Media Services directive - Where to go - download.pdf (2.3 MB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #42 - Fighting the media crisis through innovation exchanges - lessons from the Stars4Media Pilot Project - download.pdf (1.11 MB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #41 - Wat is de waarde van persoonsdata delen met mediaorganisaties in Vlaanderen - download.pdf (823.85 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #40 - Responsible innovation - the benefits of participatory research design in digital health technology - download.pdf (383.27 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #39 - Nieuwsdiversiteit in Mediahuiskranten flink afgenomen tussen 2013 en 2018 - download.pdf (259.39 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #38 - Nieuws uit Eigen Huis - Een analyse van zelfpromotie in journalistiek aanbod in Vlaanderen - download.pdf (341.29 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #37 - Declining trust concerns over misinformation & low willingness-to-pay - News media in troubled waters in Flanders and Wallonia - download.pdf (691.71 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #36 - COVID-19 information on Social Media in Europe - A threat or a blessing - download.pdf (584.33 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #35 - Finally beyond the status quo - An analysis of steps taken to improve gender equality in the European audiovisual sector - download.pdf (320 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #34 - Vlaams middenveld en mediasector voor een sterke en slagvaardige VRT maar wel één die zich op alle vlakken onderscheidt - download.pdf (272.51 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #33 - Three main regulatory challenges for 5G roll-out in Belgium - download.pdf (350.54 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #31 - Vrouwen in de Vlaamse filmsector - gezocht en gevonden - download.pdf (961.46 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #30 - State broadcasting in Poland - Urgent need for European action - download.pdf (295.52 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #29 - PSD2 and other challenges to the protection of personal data in the financial sector - download.pdf (289.1 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #27 - In news we trust - High trust in news hides regional educational and age-related differences - download.pdf (581.26 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #25 - Connecting the dots – smarter cities work together - download.pdf (409.83 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #24 - Tastemakers - how media diets shape the cultural participation of users in Flanders - download.pdf (634.15 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #23 - Salvaging European media diversity while protecting personal data - download.pdf (288.3 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #22 - The future of mediapark brussels - a chance to boost the local media industry - download.pdf (1.66 MB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #21 - The state of play of ‘Netflix taxes’ in European Member States - download.pdf (301.88 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #18 - The European Commission and fake news - Lots of talk little walk - download.pdf (457.42 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #17 - The MediaHub Brussels has officially launched - Get involved and benefit from the new initiative - download.pdf (2.24 MB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #16 - Ook Vlaming maakt zich zorgen over fake news - Over evoluties in nieuwsgebruik de toename van disinformatie en een blijvend vertrouwen in journalistiek van eigen bodem - download.pdf (1.08 MB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #14 - Audiovisuele productie - een verhaal van rechten en plichten - download.pdf (476.38 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #13 - Naar een duurzaam beleid voor de Vlaamse documentairesector - download.pdf (234.16 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #12 - Overheidscommunicatie in Vlaanderen - Hoe communicatie verbeteren met de burger - download.pdf (304.47 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #11 - The Brexit the media industry and Belgium - Time is running out for policy action - download.pdf (356.17 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #10 - De vorming van een Mediacluster in Brussel - Welke rol kan en moet beleid spelen - download.pdf (359.2 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #9 - Targeted advertising op uw tv - Veel verwachtingen evenveel vragen - download.pdf (272.43 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #8 - De nieuwe publieke omroep - Zitten Vlaamse jongeren te wachten op interactie met Studio Brussel en MNM - download.pdf (283.18 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #7 - Waarom de Brusselse overheid moet investeren in digitale inclusie van kwetsbare jongeren - download.pdf (834.93 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #6 - Hoe mediawijs is de Vlaming over mediabeleid - Wat weten mediagebruikers over reclameregels, de publieke omroep en privacy en wat willen ze weten - download.pdf (232 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #5 - De nieuwe beheersovereenkomst van de VRT - Bouwstenen voor een sterke publieke omroep of meer doen met minder geld - download.pdf (444.33 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #4 -The ‘Digital Single Market - Waar leidt de Europese Commissie ons naartoe en willen we dat wel - download.pdf (317.15 KB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #3 - Radicaal Digitaal in Vlaanderen - Naar een e-inclusieve toekomst voor alle burgers - download.pdf (1.82 MB) "pdf"
Policy Brief #2 - State-of-the-Art(s) - Gebruik van digitale communicatie- en promotiekanalen door de cultureel-creatieve sector - download (828.63 KB) "pdf"