Lien Michiels
Lien Michiels holds a PhD in Computer Science (University of Antwerp, 2024) on the topic of evaluation of recommender systems. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science (2015), and a master’s degree in Engineering Science: Mathematical Engineering (2017) from KU Leuven.
Lien Michiels' research focusses on the evaluation of recommender systems. Specifically, she looks at how we can measure elusive concepts like 'filter bubbles' and 'serendipity'. She splits her time between imec-SMIT, VUB and the Adrem Data Lab at the University of Antwerp.
Lien works on the strategic research project (Research Foundation Flanders) Serendipity Engine. This project sets out to support societal stakeholders in designing recommender systems to foster serendipity in public contexts.
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