Katelijne Sanctorum
Communication between people, between organisations, and with the general public, are Katelijne's passions. She has built up a broad experience in media and in the non profit sector. She believes in the power and capacities of people and likes to focus on positive aspects. She wants to continue to empower patients and carers through education, information and support.
Katelijne's research focuses on doctor-patient interaction, experiential knowledge and digital skills in the context of rare tumour syndromes. For the past eight years, support for patients with rare digestive tumours has been at the centre of Katelijne's work, by making information available and organising peer-to-peer contact. Katelijne also tries to contribute at the policy level so that patients' voices are louder and the perspective of patients and carers is taken into account in legislation and regulations. For example, Katelijne is patient advocate on the Board of Directors of the KCE (Health Care Knowledge Centre) and is actively involved in RaDiOrg (umbrella organisation for rare diseases). She is also active at European level, participating in Eurordis (Rare diseases Europe) and DICE (Digestive Cancers Europe).
Pleinlaan 9
1050 Brussels