Prof. Dr. Heritiana Ranaivoson
Heritiana Ranaivoson is Research Professor at imec-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel in the Media Economic & Policy Unit since 2010. Previously he studied Economics and Management at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS Cachan), got a PhD in Economics (Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne) and was associate researcher at CERNA (Mines ParisTech).
Heritiana has led several research projects at international, national and local levels, funded by public (e.g. European Commission (H2020, Horizon Europe, study contracts), the Unesco) or private (e.g. Google) organizations; He has published extensively in the fields of cultural and media diversity, media innovation, media policy, online platforms, and the role of recommender systems in cultural industries. His latest co-edited book is ‘European Audiovisual Policy in Transition’ (2023) at Routledge.
Heritiana is currently coordinator for the WEAVE (FWO) ALGEPI (understanding ALGorithmic gatekeepers to promote EPIstemic welfare) research project. He is Work Package leader for both EU Horizon Europe projects Fair MusE (Promoting Fairness of the Music Ecosystem in a Platform-Dominated and Post-Pandemic Europe) and CresCine (Increasing the international competitiveness of the film industry in small European markets). He is Task leader for two studies: one for the European Commission on the Discoverability of diverse cultural European content in the digital environment, and one for the European Parliament on EU culture and creative sectors policy – overview and future perspectives. He is a member of the UNESCO reflection group on the diversity of cultural expressions in the digital environment.
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